A retreat for your mind and soul.

The W Conference validates the challenges the modern day woman faces and assists her to prioritize her callings so that she is able to joyfully serve God’s Kingdom. As women gathered, we will resonate together of the deep emotion and purpose we live our lives with. Through spoken truth from our gifted speakers, we will challenge one another to move forward with more of God’s glory lifting us up and less weight of the world pulling us down.


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It has long been the dream of The W Conference founder, Marcylle Combs, to support women in the workplace.  Although women have been working for decades, there is no lessening of the issues surrounding this decision.  The endless amount of work women have as they enter the "real world" after leaving their "work world” causes exhaustion, stress, and guilt.

Marcylle lovingly says after more than 30 years in the workplace, "There never seems to be a lack of guilt from either not being at work or not being at home".  While working women look for consolation, they are met by statements such as, "You Work?", "You Travel?", or “Who takes care of your kids, your house or your husband?”  Therefore, the cycle continues with a desire for perfection and a heart full of grief due to the lack thereof.   


The environment alone is worthwhile, the peace you feel on the property, the relationships you can build... priceless.

Emily Mills
Founder, CEO | Jesus Said Love



What is the W Conference?

The W Conference is a two day indoor/outdoor conference. We focus on equipping women to live out their faith and reduce guilt as they pursue their vocational callings. 

Who is the W Conference for?

The W Conference is for the woman looking to honor God in her workplace, whether that is a typical 8-5 office job, stay at home mom life, or anything in between. We believe in bringing women together to encourage and equip them to live the life Christ has purposed for them right where they are, focusing on tangible guidance from several speakers who will share their own journeys of life & faith, and the fight to keep Christ at the center of it all.

What can I expect from the weekend?

We strive to create a space where we can worship, learn, and grow together as women seeking to serve God in our workplaces. Expect to learn from the wisdom and experience of others and develop new friendships.

What do I financially support By attending the W Conference?

Your ticket fee and all financial giving towards The W Conference goes directly back into funding The W Conference – we would not exist without your partnership.

Are meals included in the registration fee?

We bring in a variety of vendors each year for lunch on Saturday that will be available for purchase to attendees. You are also welcome to bring your own lunch if you prefer.

I’m not a Christian. Is the W Conference for me?

The W Conference is an inclusive conference which creates a safe space for people of all faiths, or no faith, to come and share in our weekend with teachings centrally focused and founded on the Bible and the person and work of Jesus Christ.